Built in 2017, using recycled double glazing windows, donated by Watchet Glass & Glazing Ltd, a local double glazing firm, this area houses a number of rarely seen animals. Here are just a few of the animals you'll be able to see.
It is an arboreal species, well adapted for living in forests but will also live in areas near humans.
The common genet is mainly nocturnal and crepuscular, coming out at night, dawn, and dusk.
The common name kinkajou comes from a word that means honey bear, as this slender animal raids beehives for the golden liquid.
As you might have guessed, the kinkajou has quite a sweet tooth!
Found in North America, It lives in the forests, and can glide from tree to tree using a patagium created by a fold of skin.
They haved been observed to glide up to 45m in distance
Tenrecs can be found all over Madagascar and are more closely related to the Elephant than our own native hedgehogs.